A guest blog from Vicki Campana, an ovarian cancer curvivor
Day by day: An Interview with an atypical cervical cancer fighter.
By Rachael Oats, Jenna Lindman After posting my last blog about Vanessa, who battled cervical cancer in South Africa, I decided that I wanted to learn more about this cancer in the US. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I had spoken with anyone about cervical cancer, so I decided to start poking …
Why I’ll Never say, “Be Grateful.”
By Jenna Lindman Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation: let’s just say you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. You go to tell a loved one about your diagnosis hoping for support and they respond with these words instead: Be grateful. Let’s flip the situation. You are approached by a loved one and they …
“I promised myself that I would never, ever take my healthy, strong body for granted.”
An Interview with a Stage 1 Breast Cancer Survivor