Interview with Cancer Survivor Matt Ode By: Jenna Lindman A few months ago, I was on Facebook and I got a message that popped up from a man named Matt Ode. It said something to the effect of “Hi Jenna, I’m also a cancer survivor and I offer coaching. Please let me know if you’re …
cancer blog
“Developing a community out of cancer is very important.”
An interview with Hunter Starr, a childhood cancer survivor.
“Hope anchors the soul.”
A guest blog from Vicki Campana, an ovarian cancer curvivor
Why I’ll Never say, “Be Grateful.”
By Jenna Lindman Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation: let’s just say you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. You go to tell a loved one about your diagnosis hoping for support and they respond with these words instead: Be grateful. Let’s flip the situation. You are approached by a loved one and they …
“Just because someone has cancer doesn’t mean you have to treat them differently. They are still the same people you know and love.”
An Interview with a Stage 4 Lung Cancer Fighter
An open letter to cancer caregivers
I didn’t know how I would get through this without her. Even when I didn’t want to go on anymore, when I was so sick I wished I was dead she carried me through it.